Although nationally ranked in many programs and specialties, and consistently named the Sacramento region’s best hospital, UC Davis is not broadly recognized locally and regionally as the world-class institution that it is.
Creating A Healthier World – an image and awareness-building campaign was begun in 2015 to elevate the institution’s profile.
The main message? UC Davis Health System provides world-class, leading-edge medical care, right in your backyard.
The American Mercury was tasked with creating several short documentary-style profiles of exceptional patients and the extraordinary – often pioneering care UCD Health System provides.
The three profiles were the culmination of an intense exploration phase where dozens of patients, care providers, specialists and procedures were reviewed to find the most compelling stories. Extensive research and on-camera interviews were also conducted before individual stories were chosen and the real production began. The finished profiles show a marked departure from UCD’s previous video programs. Instead of relying on polished copy and a third person narration, producer/director, Kit Tyler decided to tell these stories by weaving together interviews and testimonials with natural sound only – no narrator. Although more difficult to pull off, the first person point of view delivered a more immediate, honest and personal and ultimately much more empathic stories.
30 and 15 second broadcast spots were also produced in both English and Spanish.
How to successfully reach diverse audiences?
Through all available channels—TV, Cable, Online, Video, Print, Radio (terrestrial and digital), Outdoor (billboards, bus benches, shuttle busses, airport), Web, Mobile, Social, Direct Mail. The campaign began in August 2015 and continues today.